- Providence Public Schools
- Customer Service Commitment
Customer Service Commitment
The Providence Public School District believes that all community members, students, parents, staff and partners can be engaged as our customers at any given time. We are committed to ensuring that our internal and external interactions reflect and express the core values of our district turnaround plan: (1) Students First, (2) Equity and Access, (3) Transparency and (4) Results. The standards listed below embody those core values.
Customer Service Standards and Guidelines
Courtesy and Respect - All customers will be treated with respect, dignity and kindness.
- Each staff member will work with a sense of urgency during all customer interactions.
- Each staff member will maintain the customer’s confidentiality and privacy.
- Each staff member will communicate in a professional and timely manner.
Communication and Accessibility - Staff members will acknowledge and greet customers immediately upon their entrance into district schools or facilities.
- Each staff member will ensure that information provided to customers is accurate and consistent, even if it requires a call back or an email follow-up.
- Each staff member will utilize active listening techniques in all customer interactions.
- All communications will be updated regularly to ensure accurate information is being provided.
- Two-way communication will be prioritized to strengthen customer relations and support.
- Staff members will use a variety of communication mediums in order to provide equitable access to information.
- If the staff member notices that the customer speaks a language other than English, a bilingual staff member will be located if possible and asked to assist the customer.
Professional, Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness - Each staff member will personally assume the responsibility of assisting or connecting all customers to the appropriate person or department.
- Responses will be timely.
- Each staff member will return phone calls, emails messages and written requests within a 24-hour period. If a response cannot be provided in the allotted time, the customer will be notified and given an estimated time of response.
Environment of Belonging - Each staff member is responsible for creating an inviting, community facing, culturally responsive environment in all district schools, departments and facilities.
- Staff members should wear their identification badges at all times and be professionally dressed in appropriate attire for their job.
- Signage at all district schools and facilities will be welcoming and clearly direct visitors to the main office.
- Staff members are responsible for ensuring that the environment instills a sense of belonging for customers.
Awareness and Continuous Improvement - Division leaders will create opportunities for staff to reflect and develop their capacity to deliver excellent customer service.
- District and building leadership will create channels of two-way communication to receive feedback in order to improve.
- PPSD will create a system of measuring the impact and quality of customer service in an effort to continuously improve.
Adapted in part from the Osceola School Districts Customer Service Standards and Guidelines.
Let’s Talk! is a revolutionary customer service solution that allows the community to share opinions and ask questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will help our district create positive, productive relationships with students, parents, teachers, employees and community residents — one conversation at a time!
Let’s Talk! promotes honest conversations and drives action by facilitating an open dialogue between district leaders and our stakeholders. With Let’s Talk!, we can streamline communication, spot potential crises before they happen, and build stronger relationships with our entire community. Offering Let’s Talk! means we are committed to leading by listening.
Link to the Let's Talk! user app. Families can download the app to their phone or submit a request right from our website.
- Apple App link or Play store link (Androids) Families will need to enter the district code to access the PPSD page. our Let's Talk! ID: PP2638
- Apple App link or Play store link (Androids) Families will need to enter the district code to access the PPSD page. our Let's Talk! ID: PP2638
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Q: What is Let’s Talk!?
A: Let’s Talk! is a two-way, online customer service solution that instantly connects our educational community to the district’s decision makers. While phone calls, emails, and in-person meetings remain a critical part of our engagement strategy, Let’s Talk! offers a higher level of connectivity and accountability than these traditional forms of communication. It ensures that our parents, employees, students, and community members can engage with us at their convenience.
Q: How does Let’s Talk! work?
A: Let’s Talk! is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week from any computer, tablet, or
smartphone. To submit a dialogue, simply click the Let’s Talk! pop-out tab or click on the “contact us” tab on the district’s website. There is also an app for both iOS and Android devices. Download the app, enter our Let’s Talk! ID (PP2638) to access the Providence School department’s page. You may also access Let’s Talk! and submit your request by phone by dialing (401) 429-6882.When you submit a comment or question via Let’s Talk!, the system automatically routes it to the appropriate staff member for follow-up. You may remain anonymous or leave your contact information to receive a personal response. An additional option allows you to hide your contact information but still receive a direct response from the district.
The system also allows the district to measure and track emails, phone calls, and in-person meetings. Administrators have access to an interactive dashboard that highlights common themes, average staff response times, and overall community satisfaction, turning each interaction into an opportunity for improvement.
Q: How will the district use Let’s Talk!?
A: The district is using Let’s Talk! to open lines of communication between community members and district leaders. Our hope is to hear from more people about important district issues so we can continue to provide a high-quality education and a safe learning environment for all our students.
Q: How does the district benefit from Let’s Talk!?
A: Let’s Talk! enables us to continuously take the pulse of our educational community. It helps us consider and understand stakeholder views, while streamlining district communications, lightening employee workloads, and improving our customer service.
Instead of one person answering an email, another returning a phone message, and a third
addressing an online comment, employees can collaborate to deliver a single, seamless response. In addition, the tracking feature of Let’s Talk! shows all submissions and who is responding to different dialogues to avoid duplication of effort. -
Q: What is the benefit of the anonymity feature?
A: We understand that some people might be hesitant to provide their name when leaving feedback. The anonymity feature lets community members leave comments and questions while keeping their identity private.
Q: Can the district identify an anonymous user?
A: No. District leaders will learn a person’s identity only if it is revealed in the written text.
Technology identifiers, such as a computer IP address, are recorded to prevent abuse of the system, but they are available only to K12 Insight. No one in the district can access that information.
Q: What are Hidden Customers?
A: Hidden Customers are people who choose to remain anonymous to the district but have added contact information into the system to receive a response. The Hidden Customers feature allows the district to answer questions, correct misinformation, and invite further discussion without revealing a person’s identity.