Community Engagement

  • Volunteers at Back to School Celebration


    Community Leaders Gathering

    Our mission is to support student achievement by providing alignment to our efforts in the below areas into a collaborative effort that strengthens the efficiencies of all district departments.

                  • Internal and external partnerships
                  • Family engagement
                  • Development

    The Community Engagement team:

    • Oversees the management of all partnerships with the Providence Public School District (PPSD) with the ultimate goal of improving student achievement by maximizing the opportunities and access to quality programs, activities and initiatives for PPSD students, teachers, and school leaders.
    • Works to align all efforts to a positive supportive environment that supports students, families, and schools to a high level of expectations.
    • Builds successful, positive and respectful relationships between schools and families through shared responsibility, meaningful engagement, thoughtful decision-making, and effective communication in order to provide every student with a quality education that prepares him/her for college, career and life.
    • Oversees the recruitment and vetting of potential supporting partners/funding;
    • Oversees and approves the efforts for funding opportunities for the district’s initiatives including developing, writing, securing, and follow up on grants and applications.