Emergency Closings, Early Dismissals & Late Openings

  • Schools may be closed or school schedules may be changed due to inclement weather or a building emergency, such as a fire, a boiler failure or a water problem. School closings and changes will be posted on our main page and communicated through the following media outlets affiliated with the Rhode Island Broadcasters Association:

Emergency Contact Information

  • Additionally, parents will be contacted via the district’s ParentSquare communication system. There will be no announcement if school hours are not being adjusted or an early closing/late opening has been published in the school calendar.


    It is important that parents provide the school with up-to-date telephone numbers, addresses, e-mails and the names of people to contact in case of emergency. If any of the information changes during the course of the school year, including those people with permission to pick up a child from school, parents must contact the school office immediately. School personnel will require photo identification from anyone who comes to school to pick up a child.