- Providence Public Schools
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- Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
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Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessment
Subjects and Grades Tested:
- English Language Arts (3-8, 11),
- Mathematics (3-8, 11),
- Science (5, 8, 11)
Dynamic Learning Maps are alternate assessments designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Beginning in 2018, Rhode Island will be part of the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) consortium, organized through the University of Kansas. Schools will administer the English language arts, mathematics, and science assessments that the consortium has developed over the last few years. The structure of the alternate assessments are designed around the students’ physical and cognitive disabilities in a way that allows them to answer test questions and participate in the test as independently as possible. Students eligible for alternate assessments make up approximately 1% of the student population.
As Federal Law requires that all students participate in state assessments, results from the DLM will be used in the Rhode Island’s State Accountability System.