Research & Data Requests

  • Providence Public School District [PPSD] supports a broad array of research and data activities in order to improve programs, practices, and the process of teaching and learning throughout the district.  Under the guidance of the Data & Assessment team, all research and data requests must undergo a review and approval process to ensure that these initiatives are useful and beneficial to members of the PPSD community, in addition to being methodologically appropriate, ethical, equitable, and in line with established research and evaluation priorities in the district.  No research or data collection activities shall commence without the written approval of the Chief of Data and Assessment.


    Requests for the collection or release of data in PPSD shall be submitted to and reviewed by the Office of Data & Assessment on the first Wednesday of every month. Any request must adhere to PPSD policies, guidelines, and other ethical and legal standards. 


    External researchers and requestors: please use the “EXTERNAL” links below.  Even if you have already established a partnership with our Partnerships office, you must complete this form if you require access to data and outcomes of any kind. For more information on partnerships overall, please consult PPSD’s Partnerships page.


    Below are information and links related to data and research requests in PPSD.



    PPSD staff are always invited to direct simple data requests to DataRequest (at) ppsd (dot) org. 


    Any requests for more detailed current or historical PPSD data must be submitted via the Internal Data Request Form below.  You may be redirected to this form if your emailed request is beyond the scope of a straightforward ad-hoc data pull. 

    • INTERNAL Data Request Form- This applies to any PPSD employee who is interested in current or historical PPSD data beyond simple requests that can be handled on an on-demand basis.  These data are to be accessed and used by educators to help with policy and practice and must not be used or shared beyond the PPSD community in order to protect student confidentiality.  Please plan to take 5 minutes to complete this form.
    • INTERNAL Research Request Form - This applies to any PPSD employee who wants to conduct primary or secondary research on PPSD students, faculty, staff, classrooms, schools, parents/families, volunteers, or community members.  Please plan to take 15 minutes to complete this form.


    EXTERNAL REQUESTS for Data and Research (including Community Partners)

    All external (non-PPSD) requestors must use the EXTERNAL Research Request Form below to request district data and research.

    • EXTERNAL Research Request Form - This applies to any person not employed by PPSD who wants to conduct primary or secondary research on PPSD students, faculty, staff, classrooms, schools, parents/families, volunteers, or community members.  Please plan to take 15 minutes to complete this form.



    All researchers must complete this form once annually for any ongoing research studies.  If you are engaged in approved, active research in the district, you will receive this form in either January or July.