- Providence Public Schools
- Staff Wellness & Mental Health Resources
Staff Wellness and Mental Health Resources
Coastline Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to ALL District and School-based employees and family members 24/7 to support the mental health and wellness of individual staff members and their families and help connect adults to additional resources and supports aligned to their needs.
In the case of a school emergency, Coastline EAP can be contacted by school leaders and support staff as an important crisis response and recovery resource for all staff. For example, following a loss and/or traumatic event that impacts the entire school community, a clinician can be scheduled through the contact number below (and on flyer) to come to the school to provide whole group, small group, and individual supports to help process grief and loss and refer individuals to additional services if needed. Attached is the current brochure and below is contact person(s) and email address to connect with if/when needed:
Call center:
24 hours/7 days a week.
You can also contact a Coastline EAP Counselor via email at intake@coastlineeap.com. Emails will be returned Monday trhough Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call by phone any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you are dealing with something urgent or you have not heard back via email within two days. Visit www.coastlineEAP.com for more information.
Supporting Grief and Loss
Additional resources can be found below to support building mental health awareness and literacy around response and recovery for grief & loss to share with staff, families, and students including coloring books in both English and Spanish.
Addressing Grief: Tips for Teachers and Administrators
Coloring My Way: Learning About Greif and Loss
English | SpanishBooks for Children Dealing with Loss or Trauma
Addressing Grief in Children Infographic Flyer
Grief Brief Facts and Tips SPANISH
When Grief and Loss Hits Close to Home Tips or Caregivers
Tragedy - Possible Reactions to Traumatic Events and Tragedies
Self-Care Resources for School Communities