
    Supt Montanez



    PPSD Community – Over the past 25 years, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to get to know many of you. As a teacher, assistant principal, and principal at PPSD, I’ve worked hand-in-hand with some of the most hardworking, talented educators you’ll find anywhere. At Leviton Dual Language School, Spaziano Elementary (formerly Laurel Hill), Young & Woods Elementary School, the former Flynn Elementary School and Central High School, I’ve had the honor of helping our students learn and grow. And now, as a PPSD alum whose life story is a testament to the transformational power of education, I am humbled and honored to serve as your acting superintendent.


    I look forward to getting out in the community over the next few weeks and saying hello, both to old friends and new acquaintances. But if there’s one thing you should know about me today, it’s this: I believe in Providence. I have been an educator in Providence Public Schools for more than two decades, and I believe in us.


    When I was a student at Hope High School, I experienced homelessness. Most days, if I came to school at all, it was because I knew I could rely on getting two meals if I did. I was more focused on survival than academic success, and eventually, I dropped out. That part of my life was hard, but it’s hardly unique—my story is the story of so many PPSD students.


    I’m fortunate to have had a happy ending—I not only went back to school to get my GED, but also my bachelor's, and master's and doctorate degrees. I stand before you today as the acting superintendent of the school district I love, in the City that is my home. That arc of my story shouldn’t be unique, though, because every single one of our students is equally capable of achieving great things. We’ll help our students do just that by providing them with a world-class education. As principal, I’ve been proud to lead my school during the state turnaround. As acting superintendent, I’m excited to continue this work. I look forward to working with and for you as we continue to transform Providence Public Schools together.


    Thank you,

    Dr. Javier Montañez