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Professional Learning Experiences and Professional Learning Units
According to RIDE, all professional learning experiences for educators must fall into at least one of the four categories.
PPSD supports and provides a variety of Professional Learning Experiences that align with every educator’s
professional responsibilities. In PPSD, Professional Learning Experiences (PLEs) have the following attributes:
● The educator and the Professional Time Joint Committee agree that the PLE advances the educator’s practice in any of the
following areas: educator effectiveness, curricular implementation knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge.
● The PLE aligns with the District Strategic Plan or the School Improvement Plan.
● The PLE focuses on student outcomes and/or adult behavior targets.
● The educator will be able to demonstrate his/her learning as a result of participation in the PLE.
● Verification of the educator’s participation is available.
Professional Learning Experiences may be:
● District-based or school-based offerings (workshops, a series of workshops, data teams, review of student work teams, PLC).
● Experiences independently designed and created by individuals or teams of educators.
● Opportunities outside of the district, such as accredited university courses or workshops, classes, or activities sponsored by
professional learning organizations.
PPSD expects that all educators will:
● Participate in a variety of PLEs that advance the educator’s practice.
● Obtain pre-approval in order to participate in the PLE.
● Maintain accurate, independent documentation of his/her participation in PLE.
● Provide feedback as part of the PLE prior to the issuance of the PLU.
* Professional Learning Units for Independent or Enrichment/Extension PLEs will not be issued without pre-approval from the
*Educators must note the applicable PLU criteria, i.e. educator effectiveness, curricular implementation knowledge,
pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge and alignment to District Strategic Plan/SIP on the pre-approval form in
*Professional Learning Units will not be issued without the completion of feedback form in Frontline.
District-based and School-Based Professional Learning Experiences Approval and Award Process
Independent Professional Learning Experiences
(college coursework, professional organizational workshops, conferences, independently designed PLE)
Extension and Enrichment Opportunities for Professional Learning Units