• Multilingual Learners Classroom


    Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Parental Rights of Multilingual Learners 

  • Who is an MLL?

  • How was their eligibility determined?

  • "How long will my student be considered an MLL?" or "When will they no longer be identified as an MLL?"

  • Does my immigration status and the language that I speak affect my child's right to receive a free public education?

  • Will I be asked to provide information or paperwork which may reveal my or my child's immigration status, visa status, or citizenship status upon school enrollment?

  • Does my child's immigration status and the language that my child speaks affect their right to receiving a free public education?

  • May I have a qualified interpreter/translator in my preferred language for critical interactions with the school?

  • Will I receive written notice if my child is identified as an Multilingual Learner and placed in a Bilingual or English as a Second Language Program?

  • Will I receive an information session explaining initial placement test results, program goals and requirements for Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language?

  • Will I receive information about my child's English language development, and, if enrolled in a Bilingual Education program, also about my child's home language development?

  • Am I able to meet with school staff to discuss my child's overall learning and language development practice?

  • How long after enrollment will my child be placed in a Bilingual Education or English as a Second Language Program?

  • What if I don't want to enroll my child into a Bilingual or English as a Second Language Program?

  • As a Multilingual Learner, will my child receive content instruction at the same academic level?

  • As a Multilingual Learner, will my child be able to access extracurricular activities (afterschool clubs, sports, etc.)?