- Providence Public Schools
- Related services
Specialized Instruction and Services
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Related services
Related Services are defined as those supports provided to students which enable them to benefit from special education in their general or special education classes. Students are eligible for these services only when it is clear that the absence of these supports would preclude educational progress or performance.
The goal in providing related services is to assist the student to meet the objectives in his/her instructional program and to experience success in his/her classroom setting(s). It is important that the person providing these services be knowledgeable about learning standards and program objectives and work closely with the students’ classroom teacher(s). Consultation and joint planning is essential to ensure coordination and congruence of instructional objectives and strategies.
Related services are provided to Providence students upon recommendation of the Individual Education Plan team, utilizing district staff and, occasionally as necessary, specialized consultants. The following is a description of the most frequently provided services.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy services in the schools focus on the ability of the student to function and ambulate independently within the school setting. These are included in a student’s Individual Education Plan or 504 plan and address gross motor movement limitations, balance and coordination, motor planning, range of motion and strength, and wheelchair mobility. Prior to implementation of these services, a physical therapy evaluation needs to be completed. At times, an outside evaluation may be considered to determine service needs in the school; however, as the therapist works on functioning within the school setting, a school evaluation may need to be completed to determine specific needs within the educational environments.
For information on occupational therapy services, please contact Katherine Swart, Parent Liaison at (401) 453-8628 or email: katherine.swart@ppsd.org.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy services in the schools focus on skills that help children do well in their daily functioning within the school setting. These are included in a student’s IEP or 504 plan and address fine motor skills, sensory integration and regulation, coordination, visual motor skills, feeding and swallowing, and sensory motor skills. Sessions can be individual or group depending on the student needs. Prior to implementation of these services, an occupational therapy evaluation needs to be completed. At times, an outside evaluation may be considered to determine service needs in the school; however, as the therapist works on functioning within the school setting, a school evaluation may need to be completed to determine specific needs within the educational environments.
For information on occupational therapy services, please contact Katherine Swart, Parent Liaison at (401) 453-8628 or email: katherine.swart@ppsd.org.
Speech/Language Therapy
Speech/Language support services are available at all Providence Public Schools. Services are provided to students from age three through twenty one for special needs students.
Identification of Need
Identifying students who demonstrate a need for specific instruction in communication skills are identified through a process that begins with a request for a screening or a referral. A referral may be made by a parent, teacher, or the teacher support team. If further testing is warranted parents are invited to an Evaluation Team Meeting to ask permission to do a formal speech/language evaluation. Determination of eligibility for services is made through a formal evaluation of speech and language skills. Parents are invited to meet to discuss the results of the evaluation and to plan any needed interventions or services when the evaluation has been completed.
Qualifying students receive speech/language support in addition to their general education program. Therapy is delivered during school hours at the regular school the student attends.
The areas that are addressed follow:
- Articulation – sound development/clear speech.
- Receptive – comprehension of Language.
- Expressive – use of Language.
- Language – vocabulary development/understanding and expression information/using the rules of our language system/concept development/listening skill development/phonological awareness/written language.
- Dysfluency – interruptions to the natural flow or rate of speech.
- Voice Disorder – functional differences in voice quality that are identified through medical diagnosis.
- Communication Systems – systems are developed to help nonverbal students communicate using alternative methods.
For more information on speech/language services, please contact Dawn Pelino, special education administrator in charge of speech therapy at (401) 456-9411 or email: dawn.pelino@ppsd.org.