• Asa Messer Elementary

    Principal: Cassandra Henderson
    Assistant Principal:
    Dena Nuñez

    Asa Messer Elementary School is a Providence Public School that reflects the vibrant neighborhoods that it borders – the West End, Federal Hill, and Olneyville. We are proud of our diverse student population of committed learners, and our highly dedicated teachers, leaders, and staff.

    We encourage prospective parents to spend time in the school, and offer tours in late fall and early winter. If interested in a tour, please contact asamesserPTA@gmail.com.

    The Asa Messer PTA also has parents available to speak about their experiences and to help answer questions in English and in Spanish.

    • Grade levels served: Pre-K through 4th
    • Enrollment: ~550
    • 51% English Language Learner population

    Our school is part of a campus model with West Broadway Middle School to provide a pre-kindergarten through eighth grade continuum. This is unusual in the Providence Public School District, and allows for a student community to learn together for many years.