- Hope High School
- Overview
Cell Phone Agreement
Personal electronic devices are not to be used during the academic school day. Every student is assigned a personal Yondr Pouch. While the Yonder pouch is considered school property, it is the responsibility of each student to bring their pouch with them to school each day and to keep it in good working condition.
The “academic school day” is defined as the start of the school day and throughout the day until the last hour/bell is over. Students are permitted to use cell phones only during the following times: before and after school hours outside or inside the school building and at after-school or sports activities, only with the permission of the coach, instructor, or program director.
The purpose is to ensure that disruptions and interference of the instructional academic climate of the school does not occur. Text messages and photo transmissions are covered by the policy.
Students who violate this policy shall face disciplinary action by the administration including confiscation of the cell phone or other type of electronic devices as outlined below.
Daily Process
As students arrive to school, they will:
Turn off their cell phone, airpods/earbuds, and smart watch
Place their phone, airpods/earbuds, and smart watch inside their Yondr pouch and lock it in front of school staff
Store their pouch in their backpack for the day
This process may take a few minutes. You are responsible for getting to class on time with a secured pouch.
During the School Day:
Keep your phone, airpods/earbuds, and smart watch inside your Yondr Pouch for the duration of the school day.
If you leave school grounds for an appointment, or an HSC event, unlock your pouch upon leaving and lock it upon re-entry.
You may not access your phone during the school day anywhere on school grounds unless you are leaving school grounds. *Students leaving early will unlock their phone in the Main Office.
End of School Day:
When your school day ends, unlock your pouch using the unlocking base.
Remove your phone from your pouch.
Securely close your empty pouch and place it in your backpack for the next day.
Students are free to use their phones on school grounds after school ends at 3:05pm UNLESS you are required to attend after-school detention or credit recovery classes.
Unmet Expectations
Each of the following violations will result in the student’s phone and/or pouch being confiscated by school staff and will follow the consequences shown in the chart below.
If a student’s phone is visible at all during the day (a student is found using their phone, a phone is not in a Yondr Pouch, etc.)
Physical damage to the pouch in an attempt to circumvent its intended purpose. (Ex. Inappropriate markings, holes, bent pin, stripped lock, etc.)
Losing the pouch.
Damaging or taking someone else’s pouch.
Using a phone anywhere on school grounds during school hours.
1st Offense
Teacher will provide a warning to put the phone away in the pouch. If the student does not comply, the follow actions will be taken:
Confiscation of the device by a community specialist to be returned to the student no earlier than the end of the school day.
Student’s parent or guardian will be called.
Students can retrieve phone upon dismissal at the end of the day.
2nd Offense
After-school detention
Administration will schedule a conference with the parent/guardian.
The confiscated device will be returned to the parent/guardian after the parent conference.
3rd Offense
After-school detention
Restorative phone plan could include loss of device for two weeks.
Damaged Pouch
Immediate Consequences
Student’s parent or guardian will be called.
After-school detention
Subject to Suspension.
May be required to pay for a replacement pouch.
Students may be subject to additional disciplinary action consistent with the Code of Conduct.
Confiscation of the device to be returned to parent or guardian at a minimum of at least one month.
Use of cell phones or other types of electronic devices to take pictures is not permitted on school property without the expressed consent of the administration and the expressed consent of the individual whose photo, picture, or electronic image is taken.
Yondr Emergency Protocol
We want our students to be engaged in their learning. Students are in possession of their phone, in their Yondr Pouch, for the entire school day. We will advise students to store the pouch in their backpacks where it is completely safe. In case of an emergency at home, parents or guardians can contact their child during the school day by calling the Main Office. If the Main Office is not available, parents/guardians may call the Guidance Office for assistance.
General Information or Concerns
(401) 456-9161
Guidance Office
(401) 456-9168
Nurse’s Office
(401) 456-9161 ext. 214
In case of a school emergency (i.e., Perimeter Lockdown), we direct our students to safety first, following our school emergency protocol. All parents will receive notifications from our school-wide notification system.
In case of a medical emergency, we have a school nurse on site in our Nurse’s Office. Parents/Guardians of a student who experience a medical emergency are notified by the school nurse and/or an Administrator.