- Roger Williams Middle School
- Family Health & Safety
Family Health and Safety
People spread COVID-19 through small droplets of saliva that get into the air around them when they talk. Someone in close contact to a person who has tested positive can contract the virus by breathing in those droplets. All community members should still take precautions to avoid catching and transmitting the COVID-19 virus—including students engaged in distance learning.
Just as we ask all students to attest that they do not have any of the symptoms below before entering a school building, families should also be screening their children for the following:
- fever
- cough
- chills
- muscle pain
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- sore throat
- loss of taste of smell.
If you have any of these symptoms, please contact your health care provider and call the K12 COVID Test Scheduling Service at 1-844-857-1814 to schedule a COVID-19 test. Students should not be charged any co-payments/deductibles for testing per state and federal guidance. Lack of insurance coverage will never stop someone from receiving a test.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you must isolate yourself for the length of time required by the RI Dept. of Health, even if you feel fine. If someone in your household tests positive, all members of that household need to quarantine for the length of time required by the RI Dept. of Health. This is how we stop the spread of the virus.
We also urge you to follow the latest guidance about mandatory mask-wearing, out-of-state travel and social gatherings posted to https://health.ri.gov/covid/.
Emotional and Mental Health
A pandemic puts more than physical health at risk. It can also impact your child’s emotional health. If you child is struggling with anxiety, depression or concerning behaviors, do not hesitate to reach out to your school’s social worker. You can also call Kids’ Link Rhode Island at 1-855-KID-LINK (1-855-543-5465) for confidential support and referrals. If you are concerned about your own mental health and well-being, please reach out to BH Link at 401-414-LINK for behavioral health assistance.
Families may experience crises at any time, but sometimes the pandemic’s effects can add additional stressors. If you or an adult you know if struggling with domestic abuse during this time, you can call the RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence help line at 1-800-494-8100. Similarly, if you are aware of or need help with a child abuse situation, please call the RI Dept. of Children, Youth and Families’ hot line at 1-800-RI-CHILD (1-800-742-4453).