• Grades for students in secondary schools have a significant impact and are high-stakes as they affect access to post-secondary education, career, and future quality of life. Additionally, middle school grades impact equitable course placement and high school enrollment opportunities for advanced courses and earning college credits prior to graduation. We hope this helps you better understand your child’s academic progress. If you have further questions, please email your child’s guidance counselor.


    8th Grade - ann.goff@ppsd.org

    7th Grade - vanessa.vargasbeaudette@ppsd.org

    6th Grade - jessica.sylvester@ppsd.org

    6th Grade MLL and 6-8th Grade SPEDvernon.lawrence@ppsd.org


    Students can receive any grade that permits them to pass and earn credit for a course (A, B, C or D). Teachers shall allow students sufficient opportunities to succeed (encouraging assessment retakes & redo assignments; the highest grade shall be accepted).

    Teachers shall provide “comments” on Progress Reports and Report Cards so parents have a better understanding of the factors that contributed to the assigned grade.

    Teachers shall not record grades lower than 50%. Late work shall be accepted without penalty.


    Letter Grade   Percentage
    A+   97-100%
    A   93-96%
    A-   90-92%
    B+   87-89%
    B   83-86%
    B-   80-82%
    C+   77-79%
    C   73-76%
    C-   70-72%
    D+   67-69%
    D   63-66%
    D-   60-62%
    F   0-59%

    I - What does an incomplete mean?

    A grade of “I” may be assigned to a student who does not demonstrate mastery of content standards for said grading period. All possible efforts should be exhausted and documented in advance, including, mandatory parent contact, extra support, tutoring, alternative options to demonstrate mastery. 

    Beginning January 2023, a grade of “I” may only be issued for medical or extenuating circumstances to be reviewed by the school site principal.

    Students who receive an “I” or grade of “F” as a final grade will be required to attend a credit recovery program. If the “I” is not resolved by the last day of the marking period, the teacher of record will assign a grade of “F”.