- Classical High School
- Interlibrary Loan Policy
For PPSD students, faculty and staff:
Who may use Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary loan is a library-to-library transaction. All PPSD students, faculty and staff who are in good standing with Library circulation, are eligible to borrow materials on Interlibrary Loan. All information and requests are confidential.
What may be borrowed?
In general, most books & DVDs can be obtained through Interlibrary Loan.Loan Requests:
If you would like materials from the RI Public Libraries (OLIS) or other schools in the LORI network:
Complete & Submit the PPSD ILL Loan Request form
You will receive a confirmation email that the request has been received
Your item will arrive in approximately 10 - 14 days and you will receive an email notification the materials are ready to be picked up.
Interlibrary loan requests will be processed within 3 business days (defined as days on which the library is open for service, excluding weekends and holidays).
If materials are not picked up from designated PPSD HS Library within 5 school days of the requesting for pick up email, then the materials will be returned to the lending library.
How long does it take?
The average time for delivery of an Interlibrary Loan item is about 10 - 14 days. Sometimes the PPSD HS Librarian must request the material from several libraries before successfully obtaining it. This, of course, takes longer. If you have a deadline beyond which the material will not be useful to you, you may specify that date on the request form.Loan periods
Loan periods are established by the lending library. In general, loan periods range from two to four weeks. All Interlibrary Loan items must be returned by the due date, unless other arrangements have been made with the Interlibrary Loan office. Renewals, if permitted, should be requested three days in advance of the due date. Interlibrary Loan items are also subject to recall by the lending library. Some lending libraries may stipulate “in library use only” or “no photocopying” of their materials.
Books: 3 weeks with 2 renewals possible barring any holds or recalls. No late fees.
DVDs: 1 week with 2 renewals possible barring any holds or recalls. No late fees.
DVD series: 3 weeks with 2 renewals possible barring any holds or recalls. No late fees.
Replacements & Cost:
All patrons are responsible for all damage or replacement costs according to the price set in the item’s catalog record. Payment must be paid to the school librarian as they are responsible for all materials issued from the ILL.
There is no charge for interlibrary loan transactions, with the following exceptions:
requesting libraries may charge overdue fines to requesting patrons who return interlibrary loan items late
requesting libraries may be billed the replacement cost of damaged or lost interlibrary loan items at the discretion of supplying libraries
Other Requirements:
PPSD HS Libraries has the discretion of deciding in individual instances whether a specific item can be provided for interlibrary loan.
All items in a participating library’s collection that are generally available to the library’s local patrons must also be available through interlibrary loan to all LORI member libraries.
Interlibrary loan requests must be filled (or declined) as quickly as possible.
Interlibrary loan requests must be placed by PPSD school librarians.
Materials sent to fulfill interlibrary loan requests will be circulated for a minimum of 28 days to allow ample delivery time on either end of the loan period.
A member library’s own patron hold requests will take precedence over interlibrary loan requests for the same item.
Interlibrary loan requests may not be declined based solely on a requested item’s format.
Items that are specifically reserved for in-library or classroom use may be temporarily excluded from interlibrary loan as needed.
Any other collection items or special collections that are unavailable for interlibrary lending must be specified in the member library’s individual interlibrary loan policy; such restrictions must not violate compliance with the LORI Standards.